The Brunswick Sewer District serves the communities of Brunswick and Topsham (by contract). We have a staff of 16 full time employees and up to 20 seasonally. The district is licensed to treat 3.85 MGD of sewage and we average 2.4 MGD. The District is directly responsible for more than 1800 manholes, 85 miles of pipe, and nearly 40 pump stations. to learn more, follow us on Facebook or email us at info@brunswicksewer.org
For those that are seeking a watering credit, you are required to purchase and have a submeter installed. The purpose of a submeter is to record the water that is going into the ground, and not the Brunswick Sewer District Treatment Plant. Since the sewer bills are based upon the total water usage, this will allow you to get a credit on your sewer bill.
We're here to help - reach out to us by email, phone, or mail below.